Tuesday, December 06, 2005

it's exactly one month since that last post. so much has happened since then.
i was in Dubai a couple weeks ago on an educational trip. it went really well; i had the first flight delay of my life. Stranded inside Changi Airport for 6 hours!

i actually got a reminder from the chatterbox provider that my chatterbox/tagboard had fell into disuse which was kinda scary.
so i took some time out to post a meaningless tag and update my blog for the 3rd time.

the youth ministry just got on buses to penang. i feel bad that i can't join them cos i'm rather committed to school. I know how much fun i'll miss. I need a retreat, a big one after graduation.

i'm gonna create a flickr account to upload all my Dubai photos, as well as hosts other people's albums online. That's gonna be quite a project! Speaking of which I'm already getting stressed/worried about.

'Let tomorrow worry about itself'

i've to get on with the night, there's a few things to do like email the group and stuff like that so till another one.